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Orexin causes blocking of epileptiform activity in hippocampal slices of rat

Author: George Vashalomidze
Co-authors: Nanuli Doreulee
Keywords: Orexin, epilepsy

The role of orexinergic system of the brain in behavioral changes induced by kainic acid status epilepsy in laboratory rats

Author: Tsira Kapanadze
Co-authors: Nana Doreulee
Keywords: epilepsy, orexinergic system

Cluster Analysis for the Assessment of the Avoidance Behavior

Author: Nino Archvadze
Co-authors: Sulkhan Tsagareli, Otar Tavdishvili
Keywords: Cluster Analysis, "Behavior vector", Avoidance Behaviour

Non-synaptic transmission between neurons from central nervous system of model invertebrate

Author: magda alania
Keywords: Non-synaptic transmission, biosensor, neuromodulation, pond snail

Influence of flavonoids from Georgian endemic grape species Saperavi on age-related and scopolamine induced memory disturbances

Author: Butsiko Chkhartishvili
Co-authors: E.Mitaishvili, M.Alania, T.Qurasbediani, M. Chikovani, N. doreulee
Keywords: Flavonoids, "Saperavi", memory, hippocampus, piracetam

Levetiracetam and piracetam provide inhibitory action on epileptiform discharges in CA-1 field of mice hippocampal slices.

Author: Nanuli Doreuli
Co-authors: M.Chikovani
Keywords: Epilepsy, Levetiracetam, piracetam, adrenergic system, hippocampal slices

Flavonoids from Georgian grapes: biochemical specificity and physiological effects

Author: zaza beruashvili
Co-authors: Nana Doreulee
Keywords: antioxidant, flavonoids

The Effects of Claustrum Destruction on Rats Behavior

Author: nino goginashvili

Algorithmic description of food-getting behavior in rats

Author: Sulkhan Tsagareli
Keywords: Implicit, explicit, behavior, memory

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