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Algorithm of Systolic - Diastolic Motion of Changes Along the Axis and the Center of Heart Gravity During the Norm (Physiology) and Pathology

Author: Mamanti Rogava
Co-authors: iliaTavkhelidze
Keywords: systolic -diastolic motion

Algorithm of systolic - diastolic motion of changes along the axis and of center of heart gravity during the norm (physiology) and pathology is considered in this report

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About Algorithm of Changes of Systolic - Diastolic Motion Along the Axis of the Center of Heart Gravity in Normal and in Pathological Cases [en]
გულის სიმძიმის ცენტრის ღერძის მიმართ სისტოლურ-დიასტოლური მოძრაობის ცვლილებათა ალგორითმი ნორმისა და პათოლოგიის დროს [ka]

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