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The Lithosphere of the Caucasus: Geological Past and Current State

Author: shota adamia
Keywords: Caucasus, lithosphere, plate tectonics, volcanism, seismology

The report is dealing with the following issues: 1. The Earth. • Age and evolution of the Earth • Tectonics of lithosphere plates/new global tectonics/neomobilism 2. The lithosphere of the Caucasus: precollisional history • The place of the Caucasian region within the system of lithosphere plates • Geologic past of the region • Paleotectonic reconstruction 3. Current state of the lithosphere of the Caucasus: syn- and postcollisional environment • Collision of lithosphere plates • Post-collisional volcanism • Seismicity

Lecture files:

The Lithosphere of the Caucasus: Geological Past and Current State [en]
კავკასიის ლითოსფერო: გეოლოგიური წარსული, დღევანდელი ვითარება [ka]

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