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Study of the interaction of antibiotics, phages purulent-inflamatory infections

Author: teona dvalidze
Co-authors: M.Goderdzishvili, S.Rigvava, N.Karumidze,I.Kusradze, kh.Makalatia
Keywords: Bacteriophage, purulent-inflamatory infection, antibiotic-resistants

The last 20 years has seen a sharp rise in inflammatory diseases caused by Gram-pozitive and Gram-negtive bacteria that are clinically purulent-inflammation of a revealed sepsis. Uncontrolled and unnecessary use of antibiotics has caused antibiotic-resistant strains to emerge and spread. I some parts of the world during the century the latest bacteriophages used for therapeutic purposes. Discovery macrophages therapeutic use of antibiotics in the Unites States and Western Europe aside and extended studies in this direction are redused. Nevertheless, phagotherapy continues in Estern Europe and in Georgia, Tbilisi. My research on the interrelationship between bacteriophage the different classes of antibiotics. The main part pf this study deals with the theoretical and practical treatment of infectious diseases, antibiotics are completely unstudied macrophages and joint of the advantages and disadvantages, that is why it was chosen for my research direction.

Lecture files:

Study of the Interaction of Antibiotics, Phages Purulent-Inflamatory Infections [en]
ფაგებისა და ანტიბიოტიკების ურთიერთქმედების შესწავლა ჩირქოვან -ანთებით ინფექციების დროს [ka]

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