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Synthesis and Study of Arsenic-containing Borates, Coordination Compounds of tetrathiostibiates (V) of some d- and f-metals with Hydroxy- and Amino-groups Containing Aromatic Ligands
Author: kristine giorgadzeCo-authors: N. Lekishvili, Kh. Barbakadze, G. Jioshvili, M. Rusia, L. Turiashvili
Keywords: tetrathiostibiate, bioactivity, microorganism, borate
Arsenic-containing Borates, Coordination Compounds of tetrathiostibiates (V) of some d- and f-metals with Hydroxy- and Amino-groups Containing Aromatic Ligands have been synthesized and studied. It was established, that synthesized compounds in various degree oppress growth of studied test organisms and can be used against these phytopathogenic microorganisms.
Lecture files:
Synthesis and Study of Arsenic-containing Borates, Coordination Compounds of tetrathiostibiates (V) of some d- and f-metals with Hydroxy- and Amino-groups Containing Aromatic Ligands [en]დარიშხანშემცველი ბორატების, ზოგიერთი d- და f- მეტალების ჰიდროქსი- და ამინოჯგუფის შემცველ არომატულ ლიგანდებთან ტეტრათიოანთიმონიატების (V) კოორდინაციული ნაერთების სინთეზი და შესწავლა [ka]