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Numerical Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Ionospheric Wavy Structures and Fractal Vortices

Author: Oleg Kharshiladze
Keywords: Electromagnetic vortex structures, Ionosphere, Determined chaos

On the basis of numerical modeling the interaction of ionospheric nonlinear structures with each other, medium and their collision processes is studied. A possibility of the fractal vortex formation in the ionosphere is shown. System of Lorentz type equations describing the determined chaos is obtained.

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იონოსფერული ტალღური სტრუქტურების არაწრფივი დინამიკის რიცხვითი მოდელირება და ფრაქტალური გრიგალები [ka]
Numerical Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Ionospheric Wavy Structures and Fractal Vortices [en]

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