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Compiler of Finite-State Automaton for the Morphological Processor of the Georgian Language
Author: Liana LortkipanidzeKeywords: Finite-State Automata, Compiler, Morphological Processor
We present the Compiler of Finite-State Automaton for the Morphological Processor of the Georgian Language (CFSAMPGL). It will briefly address the techniques of the compilation of a morphological processor of a natural language by means of CFSAMPGL. We will claim how simple is to apply the CFSAMPGL program for a wide range of linguists. Besides, it will provide a description of how a dictionary of morphological processor of an existing language (in our case, standard language) is automatically adapted for various subsystems of the language; it will demonstrate technique for the automatic adaptation of a lexicon of standard language processor for dialect varieties.
Lecture files:
Compiler of Finite-State Automaton for the Morphological Processor of the Georgian Language [en]სასრული მდგომარეობის ავტომატის კომპაილერი ქართული ენის მორფოლოგიური პროცესორისათვის [ka]